DC Showcase: The Top 5 Short Films

Super Short Stories

Villain: [stuck in a deathtrap] “You can’t leave me here all alone!
Jonah Hex:You ain’t alone. You know everyone here.

DC Showcase: Jonah Hex

DC Showcase is a series of short films focused on obscure heroes. They were bonus features included with DC’s direct-to-video movies, though two compilations were later released with a longer Showcase feature as the backbone.

DC Showcase allowed Warner Bros to play with different styles and supporting characters without threatening their profits. So what are the 5 best DC Showcases? Let’s find out.

#5 DC Showcase: Blue Beetle

Voice Actors: Matt Latner, David Kaye, Tom Kenney, Ashley Burch, Jeff Bennett
Bundled With: Batman: The Long Halloween Part II

Blue Beetle: Never seen the Squids so emotional. What could have them worked up?
Voice:That is the question.”
Blue Beetle:Sufferin’ scarabs! Oh, it’s you, Question. Don’t do that.
The Question:Nothing surprises quite like an unexpected… question.

DC Showcase: Blue Beetle

Synopsis: The Squid Gang has stolen the Colossal Star Diamond. Blue Beetle and The Question must track them down. But can the laid-back hero get along with the Objectivism-obsessed detective long enough to recover the diamond?

Why This Movie?: Blue Beetle is a loving parody of classic superhero cartoons, especially Filmation’s Spider-Man. The movie revels in overacting, intentional errors, recycled animation, and every goofy plot contrivance from that time. Only the non-human sidekick and generic aliens are missing.

This Odd Couple dynamic serves the plot well. Blue Beetle is a goofball trying his hardest to be an ideal superhero. The Question annoys everyone around him with philosophical screeds, but makes up for his boorishness by being an incredibly good detective. The villains are overwrought, but nothing suits this movie’s tone better.

#4 The Phantom Stranger

Voice Actors: Peter Serafinowicz, Grey Griffin, Michael Rosenbaum, Roger Craig Smith
Bundled With: Superman: Red Son

Phantom Stranger:Why do your friends follow this man?
Marci:I don’t know. I haven’t met him yet. …I suppose we’re looking for something our parent’s generation doesn’t care about. Truth, I guess.
Phantom Stranger:Truth lies not at the end of the road, but inside those who walk the road.

DC Showcase: The Phantom Stranger

Synopsis: A group of hippies are intrigued by a spiritual leader named Seth. Marci is hesitant after meeting a stranger with shadowed eyes who advises her not to trust Seth, but her friends are drawn into his debaucherous lessons. The Phantom Stranger intervenes when Seth’s true nature is revealed, but can he save Marci’s soul?

Why This Movie?: The Phantom Stranger usually takes a hands-off approach to his interventions. This DC Showcase features him directly opposing evil and protecting people instead of guiding them to find their own salvation.

Seth is a hedonistic, superficially charming villain. He toys with people around him, beguiling the hippies and mocking the Phantom Stranger’s unspoken past. Caught between the two magical figures, Marci must choose who to believe in if she’s to survive.

#3 Superman/Shazam: The Return of Black Adam

Voice Actors: Zach Callison, Jerry O’Connell, George Newbern, Arnold Vosloo, James Garner
Bundled With: N/A

Black Adam:You fight for The Wizard?”
Superman:I fight for those who can’t fight for themselves.”

Superman/Shazam: Return of Black Adam

Synopsis: Billy Batson is a homeless orphan who agrees to be interviewed by Clark Kent for a story about homelessness. They are attacked by Black Adam, who wants to kill Billy before The Wizard can get to him. Superman struggles against Black Adam while Billy meets the Wizard Shazam and becomes a hero. Can Earth’s strongest heroes defeat Black Adam?

Why This Movie: Superman/Shazam: The Return of Black Adam is an excellent origin story for Shazam that gets through the necessary backstory and gives him a worthy foe in Black Adam in under thirty minutes. Black Adam abandons his modern anti-hero persona to be a classic tyrant with delusions of godhood. His sadism and pragmatic side are on full display

Superman drew the short stick, but puts in a worthy showing. His experience allows him to slow Black Adam’s rampage despite his vulnerability to Adam’s magic. Superman quickly becomes a mentor and older brother figure to Shazam.

#2 DC Showcase: Green Arrow

Voice Actors: Neil McDonough, Ariel Winter, Malcolm McDowell, Steve Blum, Grey DeLisle
Bundled With: Superman/Batman: Apocalypse

[Green Arrow and Queen Perdita avoid a moving plane on a runway.]
Green Arrow:That… dragon almost got us.”
Perdita:You do realize that I’m ten and do not require fairy tale metaphors?”
Green Arrow:Sorry, it’s my first time rescuing royalty.”
Perdita: “It is quite a forgivable sin… Robin Hood.”

DC Showcase: Green Arrow

Synopsis: Queen Perdita is attacked by terrorists in an airport. Green Arrow saves and protects her as they fight through the terminal. But can Green Arrow save Perdita from her treacherous uncle Count Vertigo and his arch nemesis Meryln?

Why This Movie? DC Showcase: Green Arrow shows the emerald archer’s softer side. Instead of making him diet-Batman, writers humanize GA as a dorky, empathetic knight in shining armor. His injured leg makes the rescue more difficult as he stars in his own private Die Hard 2 through the airport.

Perdita is a rarity: a child character who isn’t annoying. She keeps her cool, assists Green Arrow without endangering herself, and gets a few posh zingers in as he fights. Merlyn and Count Vertigo are worthy opponents, but their development is limited to one short action scene each.

Fun Fact: This DC Showcase retroactively became a prequel to Young Justice. The character designs are identical. Queen Perdita and Count Vertigo reappeared in an early episode before she became a recurring character in the third and fourth seasons.

#1: DC Showcase: Death

Voice Actors: Leonardo Nam, Jamie Chung, Kari Whalgren
Bundled With: Wonder Woman: Bloodlines

[An artist tries to stop a panic attack with a cigarette]
Death: [walking up] “Those things will kill you.”
Vincent: “That’s the least of my problems.”
Death:Shitty day, huh?

DC Showcase: Death

Synopsis: Vincent is a struggling artist who is fired from his job for being standoffish. Fiery demons ranting about his failures haunt his thoughts, but he finds solace in a brief conversation with a mysterious woman. After a few more meetings, he asks her to pose for a painting. Can Vincent overcome his demons? And why is the woman so interested in him?

Why This Movie?: DC Showcase: Death is a tragedy with heart. Vincent’s troubles include his tragic past, pitiful day to day life, and inner demons based on important figures from his past. His few moments of happiness shine all the brighter through the darkness.

Death is portrayed perfectly by Jamie Chung. Her kindness and compassion are on full display during her interactions with Vincent when she assumes a big sister role. The other Endless influence Vincent’s life and are alluded to, but never appear.

Which DC Showcase do you like best? Tell us in the comments.

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