Marvel Monsters: Ranking the Top 5

A Marvelous Menagerie of Monsters

[an army of monsters charges into battle against an army of kaiju]
Fin Fang Foom:Offer these upstarts no quarter! We have been trying to conquer this pitiful little world since long before they arrived! But today, we fight in defense of the Earth!

Monsters Unleashed

Monsters have always been Marvel’s ace in the hole. Morality plays like Godzilla meets The Twilight Zone kept the lights on at publishing houses when superheroes fell out of favor seventy years ago.

Marvel Monsters come in many flavors. Fiends from the 50s included all sorts of alien and kaiju. The 70s saw the return of classic monsters like vampires and werewolves, plus an ongoing series for Godzilla. Monsters often fought the cape and costume crowd, reminding everyone why heroes are needed.

So what are the Top 5 Marvel Monsters? Let’s find out.

Honorable Mention: The Wendigo

Played By: Leeza Miller McGee, Dee Bradley Baker

Paul Cartier:WEN-DI-GO!

Incredible Hulk #162

Out of respect for the beliefs of Canada’s Indigenous Nations, we will not be referring to this Marvel Monster by name aside from the two necessary uses above. He made our list for being one of Marvel’s most frequently used monsters.

In ancient times, the elder gods placed a curse on what later became Canada. Anyone who ate human flesh would transform into a monster ruled by their hunger. Their body would grow, they would gain superhuman strength, and white fur would cover their body.  

The ravenous beast has proven a recurring problem for superheroes. If any hero ventures to Canada, it’s likely that they’ll fight one. Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight handles most outbreaks, but Hulk has fought his fair share. One battle led to the debut of a new superhero called Wolverine. Eh, he’ll never catch on.

This cannibal can’t make the list despite its frequent appearances. The Algonquian peoples of Canada consider the spirit a major taboo and loathe it being used as a generic monster the way that Marvel did. Even the name of the spirit can be offensive. Don’t expect to see it in the MCU anytime soon.

#5 Werewolf By Night

Played By: Rob Paulson, Rob Lynch, Gael Garcia Bernal

Jack:Just kill me as I am. Otherwise, there will be no mercy I promise.

Marvel Presentation: Werewolf By Night

A monster’s greatest tragedy occurs when they are forced to rampage or destroy as a way of life. This Marvel Monster plays the crappy hand fate dealt him.

Jack Russel transformed into a werewolf on his eighteenth birthday. He discovered that he was the latest victim of a family curse. During the daytime, Jack searched for a cure and kept away from potential victims. He invariably found monsters and villains to fight when he became a werewolf by night.

Where does Jack Russel’s story end? Check out his backstory to find out. It’s a real howl!

#4 Marvel Monster: Man-Thing

Played By: Conan Stevens, Carrey Jones, and Jeffery Ford

Jack Russell:You okay?”
Man-Thing: [rolls his eyes and grunts]
Jack: Well, you keep saying you’re gonna be careful and here we are!”

Werewolf By Night

Marvel Monsters aren’t always destructive. Their appearance frightens people, and they are often outcasts or hermits. Sometimes the kindest hearts can be found in the grotesque. But push this monster too far and you’ll learn why he’s called a monster.

Dr. Ted Sallis performed experiments to recreate Captain America’s super soldier serum. Terrorists attacked his lab and he fled into a swamp. Injecting himself with the serum, Sallis became a muck monster called The Man-Thing.

Man-Thing killed criminals who trespassed in the swamp, but spared innocents. He discovered a multiverse portal called the Nexus of All Reality and became its guardian, fighting monsters and sorcerers who tried to claim it. Strength and healing help, but Man-Thing’s greatest weapon is magical. As readers are constantly reminded, whosoever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing’s touch. 

There’s more to this swamp thing’s origin, so go read the Man-Thing Backstory.

#3 Marvel Monster: Dracula

Dracula: This I vow, all gods that hear me this night, be you Satan or some heavenly force… though I walk in the shadows of Hell itself… Though I may die again and again… nothing shall keep me from rising from my tomb… Nothing! Nothing! NOTHING!”

Tomb of Dracula #15

Were you expecting Morbius: the Living Vampire? Rum luck, but there’s only one bloodsucker on this list of Marvel Monsters.

Vlad Tepes III lived a life similar to his historic counterparts until he was wounded in a battle with a Turkish prince. Vlad was brought to a Roma woman for healing, unaware that she was a vampire. She turned Vlad, transforming him into a vampire that murdered the prince,

Vlad renamed himself Dracula and killed bloodsucker king Nimrod to become The Lord of All Vampires. He traveled the world, often fighting superheroes and gods. Dracula was killed by Abraham van Helsing, but later returned to unlife in the modern era.

Count Dracula rebuilt his empire, keeping to the fringes of society to avoid extermination from armies of superheroes. He has fought every major team several times, but eventually mellowed out. He now rules the Vampire Kingdom in Chernobyl and acts as a neutral superpower.

Fun Fact: We’ve previously attributed Howard the Duck as the first Marvel movie, but it has come to our attention that Dracula beat him by six years with the TV movie Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned. This 1980 animated feature adapts a story arc from Marvel’s Tomb of Dracula.

#2 Marvel Monster: Groot

Played By: Vin Diesel. Kevin Michael Richardson

Groot:Behold, I am Groot the Invincible! Who dares to defy me?
Evans:I defy you, Groot! I shall destroy you before midnight!

Tales to Astonish #13 (1960)

Monsters are expected to die at the end of the story. The brave hero vanquishes the great evil and rides off into the sunset. But what if the monster didn’t die? Could this Marvel Monster be redeemed?

Unpopular scientist Leslie Evans saw a gigantic wooden being wandering through a forest. He tried to warn his town, but no one believed him until it attacked. The giant introduced itself as Groot, King of Planet X, and planned to steal their town by turning the surrounding forest into a living spaceship.

Bullets and fire didn’t slow Groot down. Dr. Evans worked feverishly in his lab while Groot crafted his ship. Groot was slowly eaten alive by the termites that Evans unleashed. The townsfolk finally respected him for saving them.

Groot survived and reappeared years later, now smaller and only able to say the words “I am Groot.” He was recruited for a team of cosmic mercenaries called The Guardians of the Galaxy. Their adventures can be found in our Guardians backstory.

#1 Fin Fang Foom

Played By: Neil Ross, Steve Blum

Fin Fang Foom: I… HAVE… AWAKENED!!!

STRange Tales #89 (1961)

There’s one figure who is emblematic of Marvel Monsters. Whether he’s rampaging alone or locked in battle with superheroes, no one wants to mess with Fin Fang Foom.

Fin Fang Foom is a Space Dragon from the idyllic world Maklu IV where he was part of a group of would-be conquerors. He was left behind on the ship in case his allies needed help, but a rare herb put Fin Fang Foom to sleep, and the other Space Dragons were slain.

In the 1960s, a Chinese teenager awakened Fin Fang Foom and tricked him into destroying a communist army. He returned to sleep, but was awakened shortly afterwards by The Mandarin stealing advanced technology from his ship. That was the last straw, leading Fin Fang Foom to several rampages.

Fin Fang Foom fought heavy hitters like Thor, Hulk, and the Fantastic Four. He tired of battles and semi-retired, occasionally rampaging or aiding heroes when the chaotic mood struck. Fin Fang Foom has also become a mentor to a new hero called Kid Kaiju.

What is your favorite Marvel Monster? Is there one even stronger than these? Tell us in the comments.

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