I’m confuzzled. I’ve seen Sherlock Holmes and it appears that others are seeing a different movie, one which is replete with homosexual nuance between Holmes and Watson. Huh? I didn’t see a whole lot of sexual overtones (or undertones) period. There was definitely chemistry between Holmes and his nemesis/girlfriend Irene Adler, but the movie was overall rather chaste.
The arguments I’ve seen for the sublimated homosexuality include the duo bickering like an old married couple and Holmes being jealous of Watson’s fiancee. Those things are certainly in the movie – but why are they by necessity an indication of sexual orientation? Many long-time friends bicker in that same needling way – they know each other so well that they can push all the right buttons to annoy each other. The same is true for siblings and parents and children.
And yes, Holmes is jealous. Watson is his anchor and he’s being “stolen” by someone else. Look around you – or in the mirror. Have you never felt or known someone who felt jealousy when a third party entered a close friendship? I’ve certainly felt it and seen it in others – it’s a natural human emotion and, again, in no way indicative of sexual orientation.
Of course, Downey’s Holmes takes everything to an inappropriate level – that’s who he is. He does the same with investigations, brawling and incessantly annoying the police. And Law’s Watson is a little stuffy and prissy – who wouldn’t be in the face of such an outrageous friend? Perhaps it’s in this broadness of character that either others are reading too much or I am reading too little.
So the question becomes this: am I missing something or are others over-interpreting? It’s possible that there is material in the original stories that makes this inference more likely. I haven’t read the stories so would have no background to overlay the current movie with such supposition.
It’s times like this when I wish the director (in this case Guy Ritchie) would just call me up and tell me what he intended with his version of the characters. Is that really asking so much from the man? One phone call? Come on, Mr. Ritchie, help me out, here!
I just didn’t get any gay vibe from Holmes and Watson – the examples I’ve seen that supposedly prove it’s there don’t convince me, even a little. I don’t care if they’re gay, I just didn’t see it. Maybe I’m hopelessly hetero-centric, maybe other people are chasing shadows. What do you think?

Sue reads a lot, writes a lot, edits a lot, and loves a good craft. She was deemed “too picky” to proofread her children’s school papers and wears this as a badge of honor. She is also proud of her aggressively average knitting skills She is the Editorial Director at Silver Beacon Marketing and an aspiring Crazy Cat Lady.
I'll probably finish the first season this weekend and then I have two movies to watch before I can get going on season 2. What season are they in now?
George Bounacos
to roheblius
Season 4 is this year. Baldwin supposedly has only 1 more season left, and he says he's quitting.
We started the same way with 30 Rock - watching it through the Roku. I swear, it's like crack. We went through season one in about a week. We've never managed to catch up to the current […] Read MoreWe started the same way with 30 Rock - watching it through the Roku. I swear, it's like crack. We went through season one in about a week. We've never managed to catch up to the current season, though, so we're always in withdrawl. I agree that Tina Fey is a genius - the lead female nerd doesn't get a lot of play in Hollywood and she made it work. But yeah - Baldwin pulls it all together and I love his role. Read Less
What's even more interesting is the amount of skin both show. Streep doesn't show as much as Baldwin, but she's tastefully in various stages of undress. Props to the both of them for not being afraid to do it.They both […] Read MoreWhat's even more interesting is the amount of skin both show. Streep doesn't show as much as Baldwin, but she's tastefully in various stages of undress. Props to the both of them for not being afraid to do it.They both are really good. As a side note, I started watching 30 Rock season 1 the other day on my Netflix streaming and absolutely love it. Tina Fey is a brilliant woman and if she wasn't already married, I'd go find her, but I think Baldwin makes that show. It's so good. Read Less
Hmm. I like both leads - admire Streep and love Baldwin on 30 Rock and understand the situations only from the outside. But I *love* that a group of people "of a certain age" are getting to headline […] Read MoreHmm. I like both leads - admire Streep and love Baldwin on 30 Rock and understand the situations only from the outside. But I *love* that a group of people "of a certain age" are getting to headline this film and that may get my butt in a seat more than anything else. Read Less
The reason to see this movie in the threater is either A) You're a huge Streep fan, B) You're a huge Baldwin fan, or C) You get how complicated divorces are and can feel for the characters.I liked the performances […] Read MoreThe reason to see this movie in the threater is either A) You're a huge Streep fan, B) You're a huge Baldwin fan, or C) You get how complicated divorces are and can feel for the characters.I liked the performances and thought some of the feeling was right on the money, though not all. Obviously, coming from my background, I'm going to have some bias in what I was watching, but I was definitely entertained. Read Less
Twitter will go up first - yay George! I'm going to Up in the Air tomorrow night - can't wait. I'm Conflicted about Complicated - is it worth the box office price tag?
Cool. Twitter is pretty much the only way I get my news these days. If you have a Twitter account for the site and link your new movie posts, I'll read every one of them.I also saw It's Complicated on […] Read MoreCool. Twitter is pretty much the only way I get my news these days. If you have a Twitter account for the site and link your new movie posts, I'll read every one of them.I also saw It's Complicated on Sunday. That movie was quite the whirlwind. Read Less
I'm replying to you on purpose! We don't have Twitter or Facebook just yet, but will have both very soon. This makes me glad because I don't even know what an RSS feed does. You can call […] Read MoreI'm replying to you on purpose! We don't have Twitter or Facebook just yet, but will have both very soon. This makes me glad because I don't even know what an RSS feed does. You can call me dinosaurnocket. Read Less
I will definitely add it to my RSS, though I don't get to my RSS feeds that often. Do you have a Twitter or Facebook page for the site?
You know, I haven't heard or seen any women make the comment either. Interesting. You should definitely see the movie - it's great fun.And thanks! I hope you drop by regularly.
I suppose that's true - and I totally agree that Downey is probably riding this for both fun and profit. But what about all the buddy cop movies or TV shows? Lethal Weapon? 48 Hours? Or […] Read MoreI suppose that's true - and I totally agree that Downey is probably riding this for both fun and profit. But what about all the buddy cop movies or TV shows? Lethal Weapon? 48 Hours? Or how about Andy and Barney?And you should be aware that you've completely altered my childhood memories of Kirk the womanizer. Now I have to go back and watch all the episodes again. Read Less
I have heard some folks say that, albeit all males. I haven't seen the movie yet myself. Nice blog!
I think that whenever two male characters spend a considerable amount of screen time together there are always going to be viewers who interpret a particular phrase or gesture as an subtle indicator of covert "gayness". Batman/Robin, Kirk/Spock […] Read MoreI think that whenever two male characters spend a considerable amount of screen time together there are always going to be viewers who interpret a particular phrase or gesture as an subtle indicator of covert "gayness". Batman/Robin, Kirk/Spock and Frodo/Sam have all been targets of such silly innuendo. I'm sure there are other examples that I'm not thinking of. In my opinion, Downey was just enjoying a great role as an actor and is now enjoying the ease with which he can get everybody riled up with his "scandalous" comments. Read Less