Fans wondering who will play Mitch Rapp
All New Mitch Rapp Movie Update – June, 2011!
Fans of Vince Flynn’s Mitch Rapp novels will finally get to see their hero on the big screen, but who will they see? Casting remains one of the biggest questions for fans of the author and his series of counter-terrorism novels.
Early on, there was only a studio – CBS Films optioned the movie rights to Consent to Kill in 2008. Then came a screenplay by Jonathan Lemkin. Early this year it was announced that Antoine Fuqua would direct.
Right there we have at least one iffy decision. Jonathan Lemkin’s resume is neither long nor impressive – and there was a 7 year break between his last two projects. However, he did pen Shooter, which Fuqua also directed, so maybe his presence had some pull in getting the director behind Training Day involved in the project. But neither director nor screenwriter give me great confidence – both have minimal credits and even more minimal quality credits.
Also at issue is why CBS and Flynn decided to start with book 7 in a series when making the first Mitch Rapp film. Will it necessitate too much monkeying around with both the arc of this story and the establishment of the Mitch Rapp character? Another reason to question the decision to bring in a screenwriter without a more impressive and extensive resume.
But the biggest question of all remains unanswered – who will play lead character Mitch Rapp? It looks like Fuqua and producers Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and Nick Wechsler have narrowed the field to three:
Gerard Butler, who seems to be a fan favorite and perhaps the frontrunner.
Colin Farrell, whose broody good looks and (let’s face it) better acting chops may give him an edge. If he can behave himself.
Matthew Fox, whose only saving grace seems to be that he really, really wants the role.
Fan sites are looking to be all over Butler, but who knows? There’s been little news on the project since Fuqua signed on. Even with a script and a director, this thing is going nowhere fast. Get casting already, CBS – Vince Flynn and Mitch Rapp fans are tired of waiting!!
Consent to Kill has a scheduled release date of 2012, which seems like a long time away. But if they don’t get moving on casting they aren’t going to make even that generous deadline. Fans are clamoring, time’s a’wastin’, let’s see some action on this Vince Flynn movie!
Gerard Butler profile here.
Looking for an update? Go here!
Who do you think should play the lead? Vote in our Mitch Rapp Poll

Sue reads a lot, writes a lot, edits a lot, and loves a good craft. She was deemed “too picky” to proofread her children’s school papers and wears this as a badge of honor. She is also proud of her aggressively average knitting skillsĀ She is the Editorial Director at Silver Beacon Marketing and an aspiring Crazy Cat Lady.
Mark Wahlberg is the best choice to play Mitch Rapp, he's got the swagger and the acting
The top three don't get my vote. I have read all the Vince Flynn books and my choice for Mitch Rapp would be Jason Statham.
to Capeman1
Good suggestion! You should hop on over to the poll and make him your write-in vote!
Who should play Mitch Rapp in the movie? How about Jeffrey Donovan (leading character in the Burn Notice tv series)? He has the same build, same height, similar facial and skin tone, and has fluent multi-language skills
Mimi Mplwd
My vote for Mitch Rapp is Mike the guy on the Ford commercial. Let his hair grow a bit longer and he has the appeal and the body for Mitch Rapp.
I have watched "shooter"a couple if times staring Mark Wahlburg. Wow ---what a perfect Mitch Rapp. His cold calculating demenor strikes me as perfect for the role. Bilbowski
to Bilbowski
You should go write him in on the poll! Check out the last link above - we're doing a poll looking for fan ideas for a Mitch Rapp actor. I think you're the first to mention Wahlberg, but […] Read MoreYou should go write him in on the poll! Check out the last link above - we're doing a poll looking for fan ideas for a Mitch Rapp actor. I think you're the first to mention Wahlberg, but he seems like an excellent write-in candidate! Read Less
Eric Bana.
How about Eric Bana or Hugh Jackman as Mitch Rapp. Butler . . . not my choice. Collin Farrell could maybe pull it off.
My boyfriend, Darren, IS Mitch. Looks, acts, everything about him is Mitch. Tall, the right age, build.
to Sljock
Line him up for casting! It's taking forever, maybe they're looking for a newbie!
Collin Farrell would make a good Mitch, see him in Pride and Glory, to get an idea of how he can play a great take no prisoners type. Also, Leo DiCaprio, based on his role in Body of Lies.
Gerard Butler would be great but I'd love to see what Alex O'Loughlin could do with the role.
George Bounacos
to Skykat4
That is a new name to throw in the mix. A little prettier, maybe, but a good name to kick around.
From everything I've read and heard, neither Ferrell or Fox seems quite right for the role. I'm always happy to see George Clooney in anything - I think he would be good here. I'm not convinced that Butler […] Read MoreFrom everything I've read and heard, neither Ferrell or Fox seems quite right for the role. I'm always happy to see George Clooney in anything - I think he would be good here. I'm not convinced that Butler is that good an actor. I wonder if they are hoping for someone who would stay on for more than one movie? Read Less
Colin Ferrell seems too young to me...based on what Mitch is described as...I believe Mitch is in his early to mid Butler would be a little more appropriate...BUT...what about George Clooney? Just a suggestion...please don't hound me with […] Read MoreColin Ferrell seems too young to me...based on what Mitch is described as...I believe Mitch is in his early to mid Butler would be a little more appropriate...BUT...what about George Clooney? Just a suggestion...please don't hound me with this if you think I'm WAAAAYYYYY off base here... Read Less
Benjamin Nadeau
to madmathman
In the Consent to Kill book, he is in his 30's. Now he is in his early 40's. I don't know how the right of center politics of the series will mesh with the left of center politics of Hollywood.