Mid-season drama fills me with ambivalence
I have to admit that all ensemble drama fills me with ambivalence. Some is top notch – Homicide, LOST, Boston Legal. Loved them. Even the first three decades of ER were good. But then there’s Soap Opera stuff like Desperate Housewives and Grey’s Anatomy that I just do not love. I’m always willing to give ensemble drama a chance, though, so have been watching NBC’s latest entry into the genre – Parenthood. And it has me sitting squarely on the fence.
I almost didn’t even give it a chance. Ron Howard has been on my naughty list ever since I saw Angels and Demons, which royally sucked. And the movie Parenthood was a loooong time ago. Could he really translate an old movie and his annoying-as-of-late style into something worthy? The thing that convinced me to give it a try was Peter Krause. He was so completely fabulous in Six Feet Under that I can’t help but give anything he’s in a chance. I’m both glad I did and cursing myself for getting entangled.
The premise is basically the same as all ensemble family dramas. Large family, far too enmeshed in each other’s lives, problems arise, drama and comedy ensue. In this case the initial conceit is the return of a sibling into the fold after a failed marriage. What always, always determines success or failure on these shows is the likability of the characters. And here we have a very, very mixed bag with the Braverman family. Initial strike against them is that they are too close – what, nobody ever turns to a friend instead of a sibling? Nobody has something else to do besides play basketball at Mom and Dad’s house in the evening? Come on – no family is this close. It’s unrealistic and makes real people and their real families feel like they’ve somehow failed in the Tight Knit Family Sweepstakes.
But what about those characters? Love? Hate? Well, I love Krause and Monica Potter’s Adam and Kristina. They have super chemistry and their nuclear family situation feels the most real (son with Asperger’s, newly rebellious teen daughter). I also really like Craig T. Nelson and Bonnie Bedelia as patriarch and matriarch. There’s interesting stuff yet to come with them. Dax Shepard as stoner/black sheep/irresponsible brother Crosby is also quite endearing. He does stupid things, but he’s often funny and plays very well off of Krause. Mae Whitman as niece Amber is also a character to watch. She’s come a long way since Hope Floats and Independence Day. These characters keep me watching.
On the other hand, Erika Christiansen’s Julia is annoying. Insecure and heavy-handed, she’s saddled with situations that don’t ring true and just seeing her smug face makes me want to turn her off. The most egregious offense of the entire series, though, is Lauren Graham. I didn’t watch Gilmore Girls – I have no idea what her character was like. Hopefully nothing like Sarah Braverman, who makes me want to vomit. She’s a vapid, bumbling mess who I think is supposed to be endearingly vulnerable. I hate her. She is pretty close to being the central character, as the daughter who has just moved home, and I cringe every single time she shows up on screen. She’s completely helpless in almost every way and I don’t have an ounce of sympathy for her or her self-inflicted “issues”. They need to back off on her eccentricities and neediness before she turns into Melissa from Thirtysomething (if you get that reference, I love you).
At this point, I’m still watching based on the strength of Krause, Potter, Nelson, Bedelia, Shephard and Whitman. I’m grudgingly tolerating Christensen and Graham. Hopefully audience reaction to those character disasters will convince Howard and Co. to pull back on them so we don’t have to keep a barf bag near us for each new episode.
You can catch Parenthood on Tuesday nights on NBC. You can also stream full episodes for free (for a limited time after each airs live) at NBC. Don’t worry if you’ve missed a couple that are no longer available, the synopses will do a fine job of catching you up. At this point, I say give it a try – I think there’s more good than bad so far and the good involves Peter Krause. You can’t go too far wrong, there.

Sue reads a lot, writes a lot, edits a lot, and loves a good craft. She was deemed “too picky” to proofread her children’s school papers and wears this as a badge of honor. She is also proud of her aggressively average knitting skillsĀ She is the Editorial Director at Silver Beacon Marketing and an aspiring Crazy Cat Lady.
Julia does have potential, I agree. She annoys me with the whining, and they seem to be throwing impossible situations at her all the time - something that can really hurt a brand new show. But it's clear […] Read MoreJulia does have potential, I agree. She annoys me with the whining, and they seem to be throwing impossible situations at her all the time - something that can really hurt a brand new show. But it's clear that she loves her husband and daughter and hopefully will continue to grow as a character.A very close, large family is certainly as valid as the dysfunction we usually see (not that these folks are without their share of that!). It's the degree of entanglement that always drives me a little crazy. Everybody knows everything about everyone! All the time! I love my extended family, but man, I need my alone time! Read Less
I'm torn on Julia - I "get" that it must be hard having such a demanding career yet trying to be there for your kids milestones but it seems to me that there could be less whining from her and […] Read MoreI'm torn on Julia - I "get" that it must be hard having such a demanding career yet trying to be there for your kids milestones but it seems to me that there could be less whining from her and more action.I liked her reaction the other week when she found out that the other mom had tried to kiss her husband. Initially she was a ballbreaker, demanding that they don't associate with them anymore but towards the end when she saw how close her daughter was with the other little girl she caved and, I think, grew up a little. I don't know that I would have been able to let that slide!This week she was great fun - starting the girly chat with her Chia Pet/pubic hair comparison and talking to her husband about how she loves to crush little companies "Yeah. But what sort of a person loves that?"I'm still on the fence with her but I think she's starting to show a bit of heart and personality so i'm game to let that slide for a little longer.I was looking at what you said about the reality of the family and how people aren't really that close - I have to say that I can identify with this family more than I can with any disfunctional and dramatic family on TV at the moment! It's a nice change - I mean we're a huge family and it's not all dinners and basketball games. Its more picking up cousins and nieces, socialising with siblings and making fun of one another, there's always a lot of wine involved too! I know not everyone has this experience but lots do and it's just as valid as other types of family dynamic on other shows. I'm really enjoying seeing an extended family portrayed in this way! Read Less
I really like Monica Potter - she's turning what I suppose started as a smaller supporting role into one of the most enjoyable on the show. I don't have any history with Lauren Graham, but know people loved her […] Read MoreI really like Monica Potter - she's turning what I suppose started as a smaller supporting role into one of the most enjoyable on the show. I don't have any history with Lauren Graham, but know people loved her on Gilmore Girls. I don't know - I'll have to wait and see if she grows on me. What do you think of Erika Christensen's character? Read Less
Graham is the reason to watch this show. Yes I liked her in Gilmore Girls but that in no way reflects my opinion on her as Sarah Braverman.After a shaky Pilot, this show has gone from strength to strength. […] Read MoreGraham is the reason to watch this show. Yes I liked her in Gilmore Girls but that in no way reflects my opinion on her as Sarah Braverman.After a shaky Pilot, this show has gone from strength to strength. Monica Potter and Lauren Graham are the stand out performances for me so far.Potter's Kristina is wild, fun, vulnerable and loving - as an in-law she slots seamlessly into the family and becomes another sister. Her drunk "girls night" scene this week (ep 1.07) was hysterical.Lauren Graham as Sarah has been phenomenal in the past two weeks especially. She started the series beautifully broken and has slowly been building herself back up with the help of those around her - she simply has no self-confidence but has gradually been pulling it together.Her scenes this week and last with love interest Jason Ritter were some of the most electric I have seen this year - their language bounced off one another feeling coyly flirtatious and unscripted, they were a pleasure to watch. Peter Krause's character is one who has lost appeal as time has progressed - he has become quite annoying. Read Less