Is book adaptation worth my theater cash?
So I’m going to see a movie in an actual theater. I know, I’m proud of myself, too. It’s not a likely candidate for me to loosen my wallet on, either. Martin Scorsese’s adaptation of Shutter Island seems on paper like something I would avoid like the plague.
Why? Because I don’t like Scorsese. I don’t have anything in particular against the man, but his movies tend to be far outside my preferred genres. I don’t actively avoid him, but I certainly don’t seek out his films simply because he directed. I’m also not a huge fan of Leonardo DiCaprio. The faint whiff of Titanic is still enough to taint him in my mind. He also doesn’t quite fit the mold of the main character. Third, and most damning, is that Shutter Island is an adaptation of a Dennis Lehane book that I adored. Not only do I usually avoid those on the big screen – I often avoid them entirely.
But this is different. I’ve seen a couple of trailers and I like them. A lot of the book is about atmosphere and it looks like Scorsese may just manage to capture that essence. I love a good thriller even if I do already know the end and I’m always, always hoping for another Shawshank Redemption – a movie that is so good that I am actively jealous of those who have not read the book so the ending can be that much better.
So Shutter Island it is, and for full price on the big screen. Wish me luck – you know I’ll be back here bitching if Scorsese doesn’t do Lehane justice…

Sue reads a lot, writes a lot, edits a lot, and loves a good craft. She was deemed “too picky” to proofread her children’s school papers and wears this as a badge of honor. She is also proud of her aggressively average knitting skills She is the Editorial Director at Silver Beacon Marketing and an aspiring Crazy Cat Lady.
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