Half Light


Cast: Demi Moore, Hans Matheson, Kate Isitt, Beans El-Balawi

Director: Craig Rosenberg

Plot Summary: After her child is killed in an accident, a novelist moves to a remote Scottish village along the shore to try to find her muse again. But strange events seem to point to haunting ghosts with unfinished business with the living.

Not exactly a thriller, more of a mystery. The plot moves slowly, enough to develop the main characters, especially Rachel Carlson (Moore), the troubled novelist. In the beginning she is cheerful but busy, riding the crest of her writing successes. It seems her husband Thomas (El-Balawi) doesn’t share her talents, but such is life. Death, however, intervenes when her son wanders out to a dock (where he isn’t suppose to be) and apparently drowns.

Rachel flees the city to a remote town along the shore, hoping the remoteness will wash away her recent loss (and the breakdown of her marriage) and help her regain her writing muse. At first it does not work. She visits the town, bleakly beautiful as these places can be, but a few minor ripples mar the surface of her life. A strange girl seems to be able to see spirits, and a few weird happenings put Rachel off-balance. She does, however, meet a young man out at the lighthouse named Angus. He is charming, and Rachel begins to care for him.

It comes as a shock when she is informed that he died a few years ago. Sex with a ghost? Well, stranger things have happened. Rachel delves deeper into the mystery. What exactly is going on?

I won’t spoil that, of course. But I will tell you that this is a moody, slow tale, rich in character development. I wouldn’t say that it is a great movie: too many plot holes, as well as clichés, but it does succeed with good acting and strong visuals. As a thriller/horror lover, I admit the scene where she dreams of her son (who would like for her to join him) gave me the chills. That was successful. Otherwise, standard fare. Not too bad for a direct-to-video movie. you can take from that what you will. But it isn’t without its intense moments.

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