The Blind Side is currently available only to Netflix subscribers who have a DVD subscription. It is not available on Instant Streaming. If it does happen to become available on Instant Streaming, I will put it on the list over at Everything Netflix! It’s almost impossible to predict when or if movie will go to Streaming, so keep an eye on the list for the newest releases each week!
April 20th release date the first of a trend
I’ve been a Netflix subscriber for years. When new movies come out on DVD, they come out the same day on Netflix and I can get them within 48 hours. Sweet! But not anymore – at least not for some movies.
The Blind Side released to DVD on March 23rd. It releases on Netflix April 20th. What the what? It turns out that it’s a new deal (inked in January) that may be good for some corporate type folks, but kind of sucks for us movie watcher type folks. Netflix has agreed to wait 28 days after initial release before it offers Warner Brothers movies for rental. The Blind Side is a Warner Bros. movie. Voila! Late Netflix release (April 20th) for The Blind Side. Booooo!
I have no idea what the logic is behind this deal – I don’t actually care. But it does make my queue handling a little more annoying. I don’t really mind waiting another few weeks – I’ve waited this long, it obviously is not going to kill me to wait a little longer. And I’m sure as hell not going to run my butt over to some ratty old Blockbuster to rent it sooner.
Be aware that this does not affect every new release. Only Warner Bros. So if you’re chomping at the bit to see Sherlock Holmes the minute it releases on DVD (March 30th) know that Netflix won’t have it flying to your mailbox before April 27th. On the other hand, if Avatar is more to your liking it should hit Netflix the same day it hits all DVD – April 22nd. As a 20th Century Fox production, it is not affected by this weird decision.
So I have to wait for Sandra Bullock and Robert Downey, Jr. but I can have James Cameron right away. Someone at Netflix hates me.
More info on Netflix delays and release dates:

Sue reads a lot, writes a lot, edits a lot, and loves a good craft. She was deemed “too picky” to proofread her children’s school papers and wears this as a badge of honor. She is also proud of her aggressively average knitting skillsĀ She is the Editorial Director at Silver Beacon Marketing and an aspiring Crazy Cat Lady.
I have a feeling that it will change. Blockbuster is going down. Where else are people going to be able to rent?
You're probably right and I can see Netflix wanting to stay on top of the streaming game - to them that would certainly qualify as "better access". The fact that I can stream entire TV series is pretty awesome. […] Read MoreYou're probably right and I can see Netflix wanting to stay on top of the streaming game - to them that would certainly qualify as "better access". The fact that I can stream entire TV series is pretty awesome. And even if I am a little annoyed I certainly wouldn't dream of not suscribing - I love my Netflix. If I've waited long enough to see something that it's coming out on DVD, I can wait a little longer. Their huge catalogue makes up for this little blip. Read Less
What I bet they mean is that they get more of them, just later. I think Netflix's spin is that WB is making more content available for the stream. Whatever. It's my first real problem with them after having their […] Read MoreWhat I bet they mean is that they get more of them, just later. I think Netflix's spin is that WB is making more content available for the stream. Whatever. It's my first real problem with them after having their service for a couple of years now. Read Less
I don't know - it's an excellent question. They were renegotiating their terms with the studio and this was the result because WB was having trouble with too many rentals and too few purchases. The primary culprit appears […] Read MoreI don't know - it's an excellent question. They were renegotiating their terms with the studio and this was the result because WB was having trouble with too many rentals and too few purchases. The primary culprit appears to be those $1 Redbox rentals. Netflix said that "the new agreement gives them better access to new releases" but that's just a complete lie - it does the exact opposite.I suppose WB could have been threatening to pull out of any agreement at all with Netflix, but that would be cutting off their noses to spite their faces - they still have the Redbox problem and now no Netflix purchases or rentals.Netflix had to be forced somehow to take the deal since it makes no sense any other way. Maybe WB has naked pictures of Netflix with Blockbuster Online. Oh, the scandal! Read Less
I don't think they wanted this. I think they were kind of forced to take the deal weren't they?