Vote On Vince Flynn’s Consent to Kill Lead
All New Mitch Rapp Movie Update – June 2011!
Okay, people. We know you’re looking forward to the movie version of Vince Flynn’s novel Consent to Kill. We also know that there are strong feelings and much anticipation about who should play lead character and major badass Mitch Rapp.
So we’re going to give you, the fans, the chance to vote for the best actor for the role.
Movie Rewind wants to know who you think should play Rapp. First, pick your favorite three choices. The three actors with the most votes will then make the finals and everyone picks the Big One, the one actor who more fans want to see play Mitch Rapp than any other.
And who knows? Maybe Vince himself will stop by. We already know studio types subscribe to our feed because, well, we can see them.
Hey, maybe Eric Bana’s next door neighbor is a faithful reader. You just never know.
So get to clicking, campaign for your favorite, get your friends and fellow fans over here to do the same and if you choose “other” tell us your choice in a comment. I can tell you that I will turn down the role if it’s offered to me, so do not feel pressure to write me in (though I am an obvious choice). I don’t know about George, he could probably kick some Mitch Rapp butt.
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Okay, fine, I put in the last one just for myself. Be thankful that I didn’t use it as an excuse to post another picture of RDJ. So come on now, LET’S VOTE!

Sue reads a lot, writes a lot, edits a lot, and loves a good craft. She was deemed “too picky” to proofread her children’s school papers and wears this as a badge of honor. She is also proud of her aggressively average knitting skills She is the Editorial Director at Silver Beacon Marketing and an aspiring Crazy Cat Lady.
Liev Schreiber has already got the persona down.
Sue Millinocket
to Michael
You're not wrong...
For the grown Mitch Rapp, I suggest Christopher Mark Heben, a former Navy Seal Team 8. When I was watching the Discovery Channel's documentary, Secrets of Seal Team Six: the Hunt for Bin Laden, Heben was one of the Seal […] Read MoreFor the grown Mitch Rapp, I suggest Christopher Mark Heben, a former Navy Seal Team 8. When I was watching the Discovery Channel's documentary, Secrets of Seal Team Six: the Hunt for Bin Laden, Heben was one of the Seal Team members narrating the documentary. The minute I saw him, it popped in my head that I was looking at "Mitch Rapp"! Boy, did that shock me. Then I found out he was also a motivational speaker AND an actor! Check him out. Read Less
Zachary Levi or Manu Bennett
An actor like Devin Toft or Todd Lasance should play Mitch Rapp.
Alex O'Loughlin from the new Hawaii 5 O should be Mitch Rapp
Ben Affleck
Please don't pick Brad Pitt, I have read all your books and you don't want the lead man to be play by a pretty girl! It has to be believable and sorry if Pitt gets the role I will NOT […] Read MorePlease don't pick Brad Pitt, I have read all your books and you don't want the lead man to be play by a pretty girl! It has to be believable and sorry if Pitt gets the role I will NOT see the movie. Consent to kill was the number one book of all your books. Can't wait till the next one :) Read Less
Why not consider Karl Urban of Pathfinder, RED, etc? Good- but tough-looking, an element of nastiness in his attitude, yet a sense of right & wrong (noticed more of it after viewing his performance in RED) Sassybabs
Mark Wahlberg is the best choice for Mitch Rapp, a close second would be James Caviezel.
Alex O'Laughlin would be the best person to play Mitch Rapp. All the ones above are far too old to play a 30 year old. Pass...
In my opinion, Mark Wahlberg would be the best decision (Gerard Butler in a close 2nd) to play the character Mitch Rapp. Both actors demonstrate the swagger, assertiveness, and the cool headed state of mind that this character needs.
i would suggest Mark Wahlbeg for this type of movie, he was great in the Shooter
Mark Valley from Human Target would be a good fit
Some good suggestions from all of you on who should play Mitch Rapp - can't be a pretty boy like Brad Pitt I personally envision someone very tall and broad-shouldered, but I can't come up with a […] Read MoreSome good suggestions from all of you on who should play Mitch Rapp - can't be a pretty boy like Brad Pitt I personally envision someone very tall and broad-shouldered, but I can't come up with a current actor who could fit that mold. Casting for this character will be critical to the movie's success. Read Less
Jason statham as MItch Rapp or Scott Coleman.
How about Adrian Paul? He was awesome as the Highlander (tv series) he can act, has the look, the body...heck, he has it all!
to Sabersmom
Oooh! I don't know about as Mitch Rapp, but he's completely yummy.
How about Adrian Paul? He was awesome as the Highlander (tv series) he can act, has the look, the body...heck, he has it all!
Jeremy Renner has got to play Mitch Rapp. Got the military vibe, has a natural charm about him, and Oscar Nominations.
John G
If they used Sean Penn, he'd probably reconstruct Mitch Rapp as soft on terrorists.
what about Mark Wahlberg as Mitch Rapp
to Jh3469
My sentiments exactly, Wahlberg would make a great Rapp!!
Chad G
When I read about Mitch Rapp, I envision Joseph Fiennes for some reason. I think he'd make a good Mitch Rapp, but possibly not intimidating enough?
George Bounacos
to Chad G
That's an interesting call, Chad. Fiennes is a top Shakespearean so I'll bet he can scruff it up.
to Chad G
I don't know - he hasn't really ever had the chance to play menace, has he? Interesting suggestion - I like it.
Timothy Olyphant
I think Gerard Butler could play Rapp, but he can't do an American accent. Eric Bana could look the part, he has played a Delta before (Black Hawk Down) and didn't do a bad job, so he is in […] Read MoreI think Gerard Butler could play Rapp, but he can't do an American accent. Eric Bana could look the part, he has played a Delta before (Black Hawk Down) and didn't do a bad job, so he is in the running, but I have another suggestion. I know I will be jeered for this suggestion, but give it a thought first. Ashton Kutcher. His nose is large enough and eyes are dark enough that he could portray a middle easterner. He has the lean, muscular build that Rapp should have. He has a distinctly American accent (which Butler sadly cannot bring). He is in his early 30's, which would translate well for a franchise and the story line. He has to be dying to do more serious roles and I was impressed with him in "The Guardian" so I think he might just be able to do it. Any thoughts? Read Less
to Mousadawgs
I also think if they do the earlier ones, Steven Hill would be a great Thomas Stanfield.
lizzy bean
Matt Damon should be Mitch Rapp now that he is not gonna do another bourne movie
to lizzy bean
That's 2 for Matt Damon - do I hear 3?
Matt damon should be vince rapp
Some of these ideas are good and some....very very bad. Liam Neason is a great actor, and his role in Taken was amazing. But not for Mitch Rapp. It think he's a little too old and lacts the rugged quality […] Read MoreSome of these ideas are good and some....very very bad. Liam Neason is a great actor, and his role in Taken was amazing. But not for Mitch Rapp. It think he's a little too old and lacts the rugged quality of Rapp. And Jona Cena, please give me a break. His acting is horrible and looks exactly like what he is.....a wrestler. Not a counterterrorism operative. The charcter needs to be human. Someone that can pass for middle eastern, someone with supurb acting skills with dark features. I would prefer to see someone thats not an extremely well known actor. Alex Oloughlin is a good choice. I think Jim Caviezel is also a good choice as his acting in movies such as The Counte of Monte Cristo and Deja Vu were phenomenal. Gerald Butler could also fit the description and has impressed me with his acting abilities. As long as he can pull off an American accent. But no Brad Pitt, or Colin Ferrell, or George Clooney. Let it be someone who is less known to really capture Mitch Rapp the character and not the actor playing a role. Read Less
Joe Manganiello or Ed Quinn,
Alex Oloughlin starring in Hawaii 50 would be a good fit - 6 ft and dark complicated who could play the middle-east disgise Rapp goes undercover as - please get someone who matches the description in the book - […] Read MoreAlex Oloughlin starring in Hawaii 50 would be a good fit - 6 ft and dark complicated who could play the middle-east disgise Rapp goes undercover as - please get someone who matches the description in the book - dont do like the Bourne series - the movies are my favorite but have almost nothing to do with the book series Read Less
My wife and I suggest the actor Joe Mangienello who plays the character "Alcead Herveaux" in True Blood. Big guy,deep voice with the appearance to play the Middle Eastern alter egos of Mitch Rapp. Who is going to play the […] Read MoreMy wife and I suggest the actor Joe Mangienello who plays the character "Alcead Herveaux" in True Blood. Big guy,deep voice with the appearance to play the Middle Eastern alter egos of Mitch Rapp. Who is going to play the roles of Thomas Stansfield and Irene Kennedy? Read Less
John Cena is the right actor read the books Vince Description of Mitch matches John Cena
Where are either of the Walberg guys? Either of them would be terrific! Some of the others that you have listed begs the question: are you kidding? maybe Hugh Jackman but the others don't come anywhere […] Read MoreWhere are either of the Walberg guys? Either of them would be terrific! Some of the others that you have listed begs the question: are you kidding? maybe Hugh Jackman but the others don't come anywhere near Mitch. Geeze, what the hell were you all thinking with your suggestions--BAD, BAD, BAD. Brad Pitt, ugh! Come on guys, put on your thinking caps, look at some actors, maybe bit players, but someone that's good but hasn't gotten a chance yet to shine. Some of the names mentioned don''t fit our guy, you all must know that. And if the wrong actor is used it could kill the picture! The Shooter was mentioned in credits for director/writer, if that's so, watch it again and see who plays Bobby Lee and how well a job was done on that. Anyway, just one fan's opinion. Read Less
to Jdemo15
You are really right, Mark Wahlberg's got the swagger and the acting to pull it off
Timothy Olyphant would be a great pick as well, but word has it that the studio wants a BIG name. Flynn has said tnat Bruce Willis has personally contacted them to secure the role. Love Bruce, but way […] Read MoreTimothy Olyphant would be a great pick as well, but word has it that the studio wants a BIG name. Flynn has said tnat Bruce Willis has personally contacted them to secure the role. Love Bruce, but way too old. Read Less
I love that full cast list, Eileenhopster! You know your Vince Flynn!
Mark Wahlberg
Hugh Jackman fits the desciption of the role, just read the books. Taller than Downey, built better than most of them, and not as sweet looking as Brad, George, Eric, and John. His walk and stance are more believable. […] Read MoreHugh Jackman fits the desciption of the role, just read the books. Taller than Downey, built better than most of them, and not as sweet looking as Brad, George, Eric, and John. His walk and stance are more believable. All in all, a best fit. Matthew and Gerard are clones of each other, good for other parts as well as Colin. Give me the list and I'll find you a match for each role....totally love the books and characters. Brad should play Scott Coleman, Bruce Willis should be Gen.Flood....I'll stop now.. emh Read Less
Matt Damon of course, please.
The only person best fit that I can see is Liam Nieson. His role in Taken was amazing and portrayed a man who has what it takes to be Mitch Rapp. None of the listed actors (most are […] Read MoreThe only person best fit that I can see is Liam Nieson. His role in Taken was amazing and portrayed a man who has what it takes to be Mitch Rapp. None of the listed actors (most are over hyped, mainstream to get attention. Pitt, Farrell, Jackman, Clooney and Jr.) have what it takes to pull off the intricacies that come with the Mitch Rapp character. Liam is Mitch Rapp in ever aspect. Any one who is a fan of the Mitch Rapp series and has seen Taken knows that there is only one person good enough for this role. Now I would like to take this time and say Mr. Flynn has made a huge mistake going to Hollywood with what I call best CIA/Terrorism series ever. He should have approached cable channels such as Showtime, HBO , Cinemax, or others as the whole series starting from day one could be portrayed the way it is in the book. Hollywood is going to destroy this story to no end. Read Less
to Johnp5813
Liam Neeson is a great choice! In fact, I'm jealous that I didn't think of him first and put him in the poll. As far as Hollywood and this series - you may be right. I read that Michael […] Read MoreLiam Neeson is a great choice! In fact, I'm jealous that I didn't think of him first and put him in the poll. As far as Hollywood and this series - you may be right. I read that Michael Connolly recently re-acquired the rights to his Harry Bosch character and is considering TV as the way to go. Think of how successful Dexter is! I guess we'll see how this movie turns out and what Flynn decides to do with Rapp from there. Read Less
im surprised dwayne "the rock" johnson is not mentioned. i just watched Faster and he'd be a good mitch rapp
lliam neeson would be best choise
How about Jeffrey Donovan (lead character in Burn Notice)? Same build, same height, same facial & skin tone, has real life multi-language skills (no I'm not Donovan's agent :-) But I think he's the idea candidate.
to Joe
LOL - looks like someone likes Donovan for the roll! Consider him a write-in!
Timothy Olyphant would be the best Mitch Rapp...
to Jwelborn
A new name has entered the arena! 1 vote for Timothy Olyphant. He's got a pretty good look - but is he a touch too pretty for Rapp?
to Jwelborn
Yeah! forgot about him!
to Jwelborn
Yeah! forgot about him!
We saw the basketball movie with Sam Rockwell and enjoyed it, thanks to you.